Tag: Events
HiP 074 – 7 Day Forecast 2/8 – 2/15 Valentine Date Ideas
#74 your HiP 7 Day Forecast for week starting Friday Feb 9 to Thurs 15th 2024In this episode, We’ll have a 7 day forecast for weather, surf, night, sky, upcoming events and concerts, and our world day’s calandar South, west, south, then northeast winds Weekend swell 4 surf contests Jupiter gets cozy 3 date night ideas for Valentines day
HiP 073 – 7 Day Forecast 2/2 – 2/8 2024
Day Forecast for week starting Friday Feb 2 to Thurs 8th 2024 In this episode, We’ll have a 7 day forecast for weather, surf, night, sky, upcoming events and concerts, and our world day’s calandar which means: 5 days to celebrate food 4 surf contest, 3 days exploring the universe 2 Chinese Lunar New Year events 1 lanai railing collapsing Thank you for choosing Hawaii Posts to be part of your tapestry of life….. Aw-right - Lets go!
HiP 068 – Eddie Big Wave Contest Info and a Special 7 Day World Calendar
In this episode, 12 Bars of Christmas - 11 legendary surfers - 10 degrees in temperature shift - 9 Days left in the Pipemaster - 8 events on Saturday - 7 day forecasts - 6 nights of concerts - 5k run in La’ie - 4 nights of meteor showers - 3 foot waves - 2 Blood Drive - AND a Mele Kalikimaka Market
HiP Episode 59 – Gwen Stefani, Haunted House, Maui Re-Opening Hypocrisy
In this abbreviated episode we a private concert, pop star, water equity man, dead body, maui re-opening Kasha House Ghost and course our 7 day accurate weather and surf forecast!
HIP Episode 56 – Maui Charities, Hi. Atty. Gen. Warning, Aloha Festival
In this episode talk a bit about multiple Maui Charities, a warning about which charities to choose from via the State Attorney General, an update on my Queen Emma podcast bio, dancing venus, bike rides, runs, maui benefit concerts, North Shore Surf Do's and Don'ts. And of course we have our we have our 7day forecast for weather surf and events...all that and more coming up. Stay Tuned & Stay Stoked!
Episode 54 – The people of Maui and Hawaii Speak Up
In this episode we have our 7day forecast for weather surf and events. Sea Inspiration, Horse back rides on the north shore, Hot Rods, British Cars, The Green on Oahu […]
HiP Episode 053 – Honeycreepers and the Supermoon
In this episode we have our 7 day forecasts for weather surf and night sky and 7 days of events concerts. Including, _Duke’s Ocean Fest Schedule, Henry Kapono live at […]
Episode 51 Duke’s Ocean Festival Schedule and Lahaina Maui Fire Updates
In this episode triple7 day forecasts for weather surf and night sky and 7 days of events concerts and comedy and sports. Including, Dukes Ocean Fest 7 days of activities […]
Episode 049 Interview with the Honolulu Zoo, Hawaii top 10 songs x2
In this episode we an exclusive interview with the Director of the Honolulu Zoo. We talk about what’s new at the zoo, new arrivals and new baby animals that you […]
Episode 048 Runs, Walks, Stand Up Paddle Races Surf Contests Concerts and more
In this episode we have our flawless 7 day forecasts for weather surf and night sky and 7 days of events concerts and comedy . Including, Walks, Runs, Surf contests, […]