HIP Episode 56 – Maui Charities, Hi. Atty. Gen. Warning, Aloha Festival

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In this episode talk a bit about multiple Maui Charities, a warning about which charities to choose from via the State Attorney General, an update on my Queen Emma podcast bio, dancing venus, bike rides, runs, maui benefit concerts, North Shore Surf Do’s and Don’ts. And of course we have our we have our 7day forecast for weather surf and events…all that and more coming up. Stay Tuned & Stay Stoked!
Dancing Venus – https://www.timeanddate.com/news/astronomy/venus-morning-star-2023
Letter from Anne Lopez Hawaii Attorney General – https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/2023-35-attorney-general-lopez-cautions-those-seeking-to-donate-to-victims-of-the-maui-wildfires-to-avoid-scams/
- IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
- Charity Navigator: https://www.charitynavigator.org/
- DCCA Business Search: https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/search.html
KOKUA FOR MAUI Please Kokua for Maui in supporting the American Red Cross.Help people affected by the Hawaii Wildfires. Your donation enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to, and help people recover from this disaster https://www.redcross.org/donate/cm/iheartmediahawaii-pub.html/
Here are a few Do’s and Don’t when surfing the North shore from Koa Rothman
Please consider supporting Hawaii Posts by any number of ways provided go to HAWAII POSTS.com click on contact and support. There you will see ways to donate and other opportunities and ways to support the show. Even a contact email for me tome stokes
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