Episode 049 Interview with the Honolulu Zoo, Hawaii top 10 songs x2

Hawaii Posts
Hawaii Posts
Episode 049 Interview with the Honolulu Zoo, Hawaii top 10 songs x2

In this episode we an exclusive interview with the Director of the Honolulu Zoo. We talk about what’s new at the zoo, new arrivals and new baby animals that you can see at the Honolulu Zoo. A new segment this week adds more music to the show, we feature 2 top 10 song lists one Local songs as compiled by local radio HI93 FM Oahu Hawaii’’s Local Hits and the other from Island 98.5 FM Hawaii’s #1 Reggae Station. This will give you a feel for what’s popular in local and reggae music on the islands. Of Course… we have our Triple 7, which includes the Hawaii Posts 7 day forecasts for weather surf and night sky and 7 days concerts and comedy and 7 days of Events including a billftshing tournament and something for coconut lovers. You’ll lean a few Hawaiian words along the way such as the meaning of Kewalo…. as in Kewalo Basin.  Also , _we have  a lazy day plus infinity day and an exact count of light houses in hawaii_____ The from our in our national day calendar…… all that and more coming up

Linda Santos Director of The Honolulu Zoo (photo t. gaupp)

Interview With Linda Santos, Director of the Honolulu Zoo https://www.honoluluzoo.org

I hope to feature updates monthly. If you would like to support the zoo you can make a donation at, https://www.honoluluzoo.org visit their “Get Involved Page” where you can make a donation. Or visit their Membership page where you and your family can become an annual member starting as low as 50 dollars. Each Level of membership is named after one of the zoo’s celebrity animals from the Ground Hornbill to Chimpanzee Family to Gharial Supporter, Orangutang Supporter or the Lion Director. My family is a chimpanzee family and the name is fitting because my kids are monkeys.

The Honolulu Zoo is Open from 10 am 0 3 pm 7 days a week. I encourage you to visit the zoo next time you are out here on the island.

If you would like to see a see the Baby rinocerous, Akamu,  or the siamang gibbon and other zoo trip photos go to my instagram called fieldtripproducts.  There you will see the swinging siamang gibbon, Akamu the baby ring, a very lactive and loud laughing kookaburra as well as more photos and also the “Save the chubby unicorn shirt” that’s only on my instagram at fieldtripproducts


The word Kewalo can be translated to the Place of Wailing, or directly translated to “the calling” as in echo. But why?

This is from images of old hawaii.com written by Peter T Young

“Kewalo literally means “the calling (as an echo).” Outcasts (kauwā) intended for sacrifice were drowned in a pond here as the first step in a sacrificial ritual known as Kānāwai Kaihehe‘e or Ke-kai-he‘ehe‘e, which translates as “sea sliding along,” suggesting that the victims were slid under the sea. (Cultural Surveys)

The priest holding the victim’s head under water would say to her or him on any signs of struggling, “Moe malie i ke kai o ko haku.” “Lie still in the waters of your superiors.” From this it was called Kawailumalumai, “Drowning waters.” (Cultural Surveys)

Today, Kewalo and the district of Kakaʻako are an important link between Honolulu and Waikīkī and are undergoing tremendous commercial and residential redevelopment and is well on its way as a vibrant place to live, work, play and learn, within easy distance between the two commercial centers.” ref: https://imagesofoldhawaii.com/kewalo/

Weekly top 10 songs from 2 local radio stations

Top 10 Local songs as compiled by local radio HI93 FM Oahu Hawaii’’s Local Hits

#10 “It’s Not Easy” – Siaosi

#9 “My Hawaii” – The Green

#8 “Fish in the Sea” – Common Kings 

#7 “Road Trip” – Sons of Zion 

#6 “Stranger” – Kelandy

#5 “Rumor” – Maoli 

#4 “Without You” – Rebel Souljahz 

#3 “Drinking Problem” – Ekolu

#2 “Queen Majesty” – Common Kings (featuring Sammy J & the Green)

#1 “Mercy” – Maoli 

This Week’s Top 10 Reggae Songs as compiled by Island 98.5 Hawaii’s Reggae Station