Queen Emma in Color

Hawaii Posts Presents: Queen Emma of Hawaii in Color
To compliment Hawaii Posts Podcast #57 “Queen Emma’s Story”
I found 10 photos of Queen Emma Kalanikaumakaʻamano Kaleleonālani Naʻea Rooke. I colorized them and created a video with black and white photos transitioning to color to bring the once gray scale images of the past to a beautiful and familiar color photo. The results seem to make Queen Emma more modern and relatable to the many hawaiian faces around the islands I’ve come to know. Photos are credited where credit could be found, most if not all are public domain. Please forgive me if there are errors in dating the photos. I hope you enjoy.
The Queen Emma Colorized Photos:
note: if the photos are distorted view it in Reader Mode (command+option+R)
Queen Emma 1880 (photo: Author Unknown / Public Domain)
Queen Emma and Her Hanai Family, Dr. & Mrs. Rooke (Photo: Hugo Strangewald / Public Domain)
Queen Emma Around the Time of Her Wedding June 19, 1856 (Photo: Author Unknown / Public Domain)
King Kamehameh IV and Queen Emma 1856 (Photo: Unknown Author / Public Domain)
Queen Emma 1862 (Photo: Henry L Chase / Public Domain)
Queen Emma 1866 (Photo: Matthew Brady Studio / Public Domain)
Queen Emma 1866 (Photo: Camille Silvy of Bayswater London Public Domain)
Queen Emma August 1866 (Photo: Sutterly Brothers / Public Domain)
Queen Emma with the silver christening font for her son Albert Kamehameha a gift from Queen Victoria (Photo: A.A. Montano 1880 / Public Domain)
Queen Emma Silver Font with Crown & Throne 1881 (Photo: A.A. Montano 1880 / Public Domain)
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